Many Americans like to “do” a Scottish accent. These attempts all sound the same, but none of them are particularly like an actual Scottish person. The ...
In the immediate aftermath of the US presidential election, most people I know were shocked. Since then they seem to be making emotional adjustments, which ...
I don’t normally post about politics here, but I feel I have to today, because a lot of people are distressed, shocked, and fearful. Even though the results ...
I recently came across a beautifully written article by Sam Kriss, who I’d never heard of before. I was struck by how beautifully and intelligently he ...
It took a while to get a copy of this book from the Chinese publisher, not just because of the distance involved but because of the local post office ...
I was delighted to discover recently that “This Difficult Thing of Being Human” — my book on self-compassion — has been translated into Chinese and Korean. ...
I’m curious what you think about this conversation, on the topic of non-self. It’s a podcast-style explanation of an article I wrote years ago, called ...
The Buddha said that it was possible to dislodge unhelpful thoughts (those that make us suffer unnecessarily) with the use of more helpful thoughts. He ...
It’s early January, and many people who made New Year’s resolutions are already going “Oops!” as they realize they’ve already missed a morning at the gym, ...
It’s my birthday today, and it’s unlike any I can remember from my now 63 years on this planet.It’s the first birthday I’ve had since my mother* passed away ...
I used to envy people who were able to meditate every day, because it was something I struggled with. Certain people just didn’t have a problem with ...
In some versions of the lovingkindness (metta bhavana) meditation practice we start by calling to mind a benefactor — someone who has been kind to us. The ...